
Queen Mary University of LondonDental Materials MEng (Hons)


Dental Materials is multi-disciplinary and draws on all branches of science to combine them with manufacturing technology and design to overcome dental and maxillofacial (bones of the jaw and face) problems. Dental materials scientists study the processing, structure and properties of materials and the interactions of these materials with the tissues of the face and mouth. These programmes are an exciting part of our suite of medically related degrees. Both the BEng and MEng programmes contain specialist modules on dental materials, maxillofacial anatomy, biomaterials. Dental Materials at Queen Mary is offered as either a 3 year BEng or a 4 year MEng. Both degrees are accredited by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and mining, which means students can progress to chartered status. Throughout the degree, course material is delivered through a combination of lectures, tutorials, laboratory practicals, problem-based learning and a variety of coursework. In addition, students undertake major projects. Course materials are delivered through a combination of lectures, problem-solving classes, laboratory practicals, and a variety of coursework. In addition, problem-based learning plays a significant role in your first and second years. Students undertake two major projects: an individual research project in Year 3 and a group design project in the fourth year of the MEng programmes. The student-led group design projects are frequently sponsored by industry and provide a valuable insight into real-life engineering design and project management. All our degree programmes are structured with eight modules per year, split over two semesters. Some modules, such as the research and design projects, count as two or four modules. In the third and fourth years, you select from a range of module options allowing you to tailor your degree to specific areas of interest within your specialist degree programme. Assessment is continuous throughout your degree, with written reports, projects, presentations, group work and exams (exams take place in the summer). Graduates from Queen Mary’s School of Engineering and Materials Science go on to work in a wide variety of careers. Some apply their degree knowledge directly, entering careers such as aerospace engineering, manufacturing or hi-tech industries, whilst others transfer skills gained during study into areas such as consultancy, IT, or finance. Throughout the course, students have access to an annual QM Careers and Enterprise Centre programme, to prepare them for internships and graduate level work. This includes employer led workshops on job applications and interviews as well as over 70 employer events to facilitate networks and help students to explore their options.
  • 课程时长: 1或2年
  • 学费: 以学校为准
  • 开学时间: 每年2或7月
  • 总学分: 0
  • 是否移民专业:访问官网链接


为来自中国的学生设计 Students must have already completed Senior High School education in China with 80%.


  • 申请材料要求
  • 是否需要文书
  • 申请费 100澳币
  • 申请周期 1-2月
