高达25%学费减免,弗林德斯大学Go Beyond奖学金适用课程一览表

2019-04-23 15:26:47 西学教育

针对2019年7月入学,弗林德斯大学重磅推出Go Beyond奖学金!


1. 仅限 2019年7月入学;此奖学金不可延期!

2. 仅限新国际学生。

3. 仅限自费国际留学生。


4. 申请商科、工程、IT和理科课程的学生,详情课程列表:


Bachelor of Business 

Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership)

Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)

Bachelor of Business (Innovation and Enterprise)

Bachelor of Business (International Business)

Bachelor of Business (Management)

Bachelor of Business (Marketing)

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance)

Bachelor of Commerce (Advanced Leadership)

Bachelor of Commerce (Business Economics)

Bachelor of Commerce (Finance)

Bachelor of Commerce (Finance/Economics)

Master of Accounting

Master of Accounting and Finance

Master of Accounting and Marketing

Master of Business 

Master of Business (Finance)

Master of Business (Human Resource Management)

Master Business (International Business)

Master of Business (Marketing)

Master of Business Administration


Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Biomedical)

Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Systems) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Biomedical)

Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Electronics)

Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours)

Bachelor of Engineering Science 

Master of Engineering (Biomedical)

Master of Engineering (Civil)

Master of Engineering (Electronics)

Master of Engineering (Materials)

Master of Engineering Science 

Master of Engineering Science (Biomedical)

Master of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronic)

Master of Engineering Science (Materials)

Master of Engineering Science (Mechanical)

Master of Engineering Science (Software)


Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Health Systems) (Honours)

Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media)

Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media) (Honours)

Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)

Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems)

Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (Honours)

Bachelor of Information Technology (Simulation and Serious Games)

Bachelor of Information Technology (Simulation and Serious Games) (Honours)

Master of Information Technology

Master of Science (Computer Science)


Bachelor of Science 

Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour)

Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity and Conservation)

Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)

Bachelor of Science (Chemical Sciences)

Bachelor of Science (Coasts and Oceans)

Bachelor of Science (Energy and Advanced Materials)

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)

Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Science)

Bachelor of Science (Geography)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Animal Behaviour)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biodiversity and Conservation)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biotechnology)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences) / Master of Engineering (Materials)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Coasts and Oceans)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Energy and Advanced Materials)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Environmental Science)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Forensic and Analytical Science)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Geography)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Hydrology)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology and Aquaculture)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Molecular Bioscience)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nanotechnology)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Palaeontology)

Bachelor of Science (Physics)

Master of Science (Aquaculture)

Master of Science (Chemistry)

Master of Science (Groundwater Hydrology)

Master of Science (Mathematics)

Master of Science (Physics)

Master of Science (Water Resources Management)

5. 满足语言条件、先课要求、工作经验要求;同时最新成绩应高于弗林德斯大学入学要求:

- 本科申请者:至少 5 分(ATAR) equivalent points!

- 硕士申请者:至少0.5 GPA

*对于Combined Bachelor/Master degrees本硕连读学位,申请者满足入学要求即可。


1. 转学分进入弗林德斯大学的申请者不可申请此奖学金;

2. 弗林德斯大学目前在读学生

3. 不可与Flinders其他奖学金同时申请;获得the Australian government, a foreign government资助的申请者不可申请此奖学金;

4. Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma courses or Research Higher Degree courses研究生证书课程、研究生快捷课程、研究型硕士无此奖学金授予;


1. 满足以上条件的学生,递交申请后,学校将自动评审

2. 不接受奖学金预评审;

3.    获得奖学金的学生,发放offer内会含有奖学金信息!Jane提醒,学生切记要及时接受offer同时接受奖学金!

